Posts Tagged '2001 A Space Odyssey'

Review – Colossus: The Forbin Project

One of my favourite tropes in science fiction is the one where mankind creates artificial intelligence only to see it rebel against its maker, and usually either enslave or destroys us. Probably because its both a fantastic but also quite realistic idea, at least in my humble opinion.

It’s been done a hundred times or more, in a huge variety of settings, but one of my favourite is the film Colossus: The Forbin Project.

Continue reading ‘Review – Colossus: The Forbin Project’

Panspermia: did life on Earth come from space? – Part 4, in films, TV & books

Panspermia is the idea that life could travel between stars seeding habitable planets as it passed, a bit like a galactic infection.

In previous posts I looked at the traditional bacterial view of panspermia, then some more extreme views, such as  aliens deliberately seeding the Earth with life, and I looked at a recent claim from a NASA scientist that he had found evidence for panspermia, in the form of fossilized bacteria in three meteorites.

In the final post of this series I’ll take a more light-hearted approach, and look at some of the best panspermia ideas in films, TV and books.
Continue reading ‘Panspermia: did life on Earth come from space? – Part 4, in films, TV & books’

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