Posts Tagged 'Extinction event'

Life on Earth: the highlights – Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 I looked at the key events in the history of life, from the birth of the Earth up to the evolution of the dinosaurs.

In part three I’ll continue from the dinosaurs right up to the appearance of humanity, and its finest work, Ellen Page.

As with the previous posts I’ll give approximate times for each event millions of years and I’ll use the label Ma for millions (mega-annum). I’ll also show the time in terms of a 24-hour clock. The last event I looked at was 225 million years ago, or 22:49 on the 24-hour clock. The next event is…

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Life on Earth: the highlights – Part 2

In part 1 I looked at how the Earth formed, how quickly life emerged and the key events in the history of the Earth that shaped the evolution of life, like the Earth becoming a giant snowball.

In this post I’ll carry on where I left off, from the non-explosion that was the Cambrian explosion, to the emergence of the dinosaurs.

Continue reading ‘Life on Earth: the highlights – Part 2’

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